Hardware aesthetic trend

Skin rejuvenation device

Hardware engineering is quite common in aesthetics. They affect all parts of the body and can solve various aesthetic problems. Some of them have been known for a long time and have not lost their need. Others are just becoming popular (due to different circumstances), while some are becoming outdated and becoming less popular.

In this analysis, we will look at the cosmetic procedures performed on different devices. The analysis is performed on the basis of statistical service of key phrases and serving trends. We will identify techniques with a stable popularity, techniques with decreasing demand.

Table of common methods

Stable popularity Attracting popularity Popularity lost
Laser hair removal (seasonal) Cryolipolysis (slow) Myostimulation (slow)
Stone cavity Carbon case Photoepilation
LPG massage Raise SMAS Nanoperforation (slow)
Squeeze therapy Hydro-peeling (slow) Microdermabrasion (slow)
Cryotherapy Permanent Makeup

Stable popularity:

  • Cell Phone
  • RF Upgrading
  • Darsonvalization
  • Lymph drainage
  • Laser rejuvenation
  • Fractional mesotherapy
  • Optical rejuvenation
  • Vacuum massage
  • Laser peel (seasonal)
  • Peeling of gas-liquid
  • Microfinance therapy
  • Hardware massage
  • Electronic company
  • Mobile
  • Fractional Photothermal
  • Iontophoresis
  • Ultrasound peeling
  • Laser Liposuction
  • Temperature
  • Thermolifting
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Galvanotherapy
  • Laser lift
  • Removes comments
  • Electrolysis
  • Leather grinding
  • Vacuum cleaning
  • Vaginal rejuvenation

Loss of popularity

There are not many such procedures, however, the patient has less needs. This happens for a variety of reasons, which we will analyze in more detail.


This process involves exposing muscles to electric currents, thereby increasing their strength. This procedure can be used to correct the body without going to the gym. With the high probability, the prevalence of the procedure is due to other techniques that are equally effective, moreover, not only affecting the muscles but also the condition of the skin, improving metabolism. substance in tissue, due to improved blood circulation (eg vacuum roller massage).

At the same time, the slowdown is very slow and can be seen in moves for more than 5 years.


This is a method for hair removal with high pulse light. While the method is harmless and quite effective, laser hair removal, one of the most requested procedures, is considered the most effective. That's why photoepilation is less and less popular. At the same time, there is a clear downtrend.


A trick that involves laser piercing. It is made for skin rejuvenation (mainly facial skin). However, there are now more advanced laser genital rejuvenation techniques that are preferred by the patient.

The downtrend has been observed for the past 2 years.


This is skin resurfacing using microcrystals. Although it is one of the most sophisticated methods, however, the carbon and hydrogen propulsion, which are now gaining popularity, are replacing this process, a trend that has been evident in the last two years.

Stable common techniques

In cosmetology, most techniques are, however, some are more common to the patient, others less.


These procedures have been known for a long time, but they are gaining popularity for a number of reasons now. There are not many such procedures.


This treatment helps to combat local fat accumulation caused by cold. It is one of the types of hardware lipolysis. The selected area is exposed to cold up to -5 degrees using a special refrigerant dispenser. Furthermore, the procedure is painless and quite safe.

Peeling of carbon

This is a modern skin cleansing and rejuvenation method. The main advantage of the carbon skin peel method is that it does not have any side effects and has a minimal number of contraindications. This procedure is performed using a laser device and takes very little time.

Raising SMAS

This is a non-surgical facial stretching technique, that's why it's becoming more and more popular every day. The device has an ultrasonic effect, allowing you to cover the deep layers of the epidermis, thereby "promoting" internal processes, restoring the elasticity of collagen fibers. The procedure is performed by SMAS lifting device.


An innovative technique for non-invasive skin rejuvenation (mainly the face). For the process, the master uses disposable spiral nozzles (3 each), which delicately clean the skin. Multi-function serums are then applied to the skin, thanks to their good hardware cleaning, their effect is multiplied, which gives great results.

Permanent makeup

This technique allows using a special device to create a permanent drawing that simulates real makeup. A special pigment is introduced into the epidermis and the upper layer of the dermis, which stays on for a long time. This greatly reduces the time to apply cosmetics and creates perfect makeup. This technique is almost identical to tattoos, but the pigmentation doesn't last forever.


According to our estimates, this trend will take place over the next 1-2 years. Perhaps some new methods will emerge, and old ones will completely disappear.